Sponsor a “Care Package” for the homeless- a simple way to make a difference!

A C.A.R.T. Volunteer has put together this Amazon wish list in order to create Care Packages for the homeless. Each care package contains everyday items to use like socks, shampoo and other basics. Just click the link and choose the items that you would like to sponsor add the items to your cart and checkout securely. That item will be sent to the volunteer to be distributed at the next event.

Click here to sponsor an item:

These items are for the homeless of Malibu that the they have requested. They need items to keep clean and general necessities that we take for granted. Please click on link below and buy a few items for the homeless. I am volunteering for an organization called Community Assistance Resource Team (CART), whose goal is to help members of Malibu’s homeless community get back on their feet. It would be great if you could help by purchasing a few items from this wish list. Thank you xox Elise